
Warriors, more commonly known as Warrior Cats, is a childrens book series that originally began in 2003, with the book Into the Wild, written by the psuedonym for a writing team, Erin Hunter. It follows 4-5 groups entitled Clans, Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and the lesser-known Skyclan, focusing on the life of the cats in the clans and those outside of them aswell, the conflicts that take place, and many more things. Its structure consists of "Arcs", a series of 6 books that mostly chronologically connect. (Outside of the novellas, guides, and super editions.)

I began reading in 2024, just this year, in January, with the Dawn of the Clans arc. I like reading the books chronologically. And this is how I play a part later on.

You may be confused on why this is how I start, but trust me, it's very important.

Since its start in 2003 it has spawned a large fandom, making it a cult classic. This fandom makes alot of things, Art, Fanfiction, Original Characters, Roleplaying, Fanclans, and most importantly, Fan music.

Fan music pertaining to Warriors belongs to an overarching genre called Nerdcore, originally a subgenre of rap about hacking and coding and the like, it eventually became used to refer to any music pertaining to more "nerdy" subjects. but that is only an aside to our story. These talented singer-songwriters, like Blixemi, make music about the book series.

I must however continue here. And on another topic.

Lostwave is a very specific music genre. It consists of mostly songs that are lost media, some found aswell. It's music we have "Snippets" of but no idea who made it or what it's called. And thats the problem. Because sometimes it's the opposite. Sometimes, but very rarely, we know who made the song and what its named, but not the song itself.

And you know, thats tricky! But that's the case here.

And on to the real beginning.